Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Opening Night

Well, I'm sitting here at the console, watching b-roll being shot...not particularly exciting...But, since all the music is tracked, I'm just pressing Go all morning.  Tough gig, but someone's gotta do it.

Because of the previous week's snow-excitement, the day off has been moved around a couple times.  Currently, we're in the middle of a 12-or-so-day stretch without a day off.  Which, honestly, isn't so bad - it had let me fall into a good rhythm for learning to mix the show.  We've done two runs a day for the past 3 days.  Very good for the muscle memory.

Things outside tech have been, well, short-lived, but swell.  Generally ending up in the hotel bar for a drink or 7 every night (don't worry, Mom and Dad, usually just 1 or 2) with the crew.  And, as a lovely surprise, some of the cast has begun to visit us as the days have gone on.  It's been a little slow-going on meeting the cast, for me, only because I don't spend any time with them backstage.  But, I think most of them known who I am by now - I try to say hi and interact when I can.

In other news, there's a panda on my console.

7p opening tonight, a 4p and and 7p again tomorrow.  8a load-out on Thursday...drive to Pittsburgh Thursday night.  Load-in on Friday, show's Saturday and Sunday, then off to Toledo, Ohio...whee.  Let the games begin.

I'm really looking forward to Pittsburgh.  I've heard the hotel is great, plus it's right next to the theater.  The Benedum is also supposed to be a fantastic house to play in Pittsburgh, good crew (though strict on union rules) and a beautiful theater.  And, according to my friend ZZ, a great bar just a few blocks away.  Perfect.

More pictures and updates to come (probably on the bus to Pittsburgh, Thursday evening...)

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